
Gregory Ng Speaks at Triangle AMA
- Unicorns
- 3 First Steps to Start Testing
- 10 Things you can do this year
Average conversion rate for ecommerce websites is 2.2%
Companies spend 88 times more money on customer acquisition than on optimization.
There is a point of diminishing return on paid search spend. Editorial note (optimize PPC pages like SEO!)
There are three first steps to take:
- You must believe in data.
- You must learn. and commit to learning more and more about your customer.
- Stay on target. Know what your KPI is, and track it. Don’t be distracted by other metrics.
Ten ideas to use in 2012:
- Don’t treat everyone like it’s their first visit.
- Create ways for visitors to self-select. Tabbed interface (like omniture) show them where people want to go.
- Use geo-targeting to deliver relevant messages.
- Speak their language.
- Use online behavior to trigger marketing messages. Used example of pinging you via email after you put something in your cart and don’t buy.
- Use the weather. Target deals and offers based on weather in the location you’re geo targeting. Land’s End, ACE Hardware, Qdoba as examples.
- Use dayparting in Paid Search.
- Don’t assume that what works for others works for you. Test, test, test.
- Consider the device… and your data. Uses mobile as example. Very high bounce rate on main site for mobile users. They developed a streamlined mobile site and proved that it was better – 22% decrease in bounce rate.
- Use “relevant messaging” to meet goals.
5 T’s of Testing:
- Team
- Trust
- Technology
- Traffic
- Time
Excellent presentation, lots of great takeaways!