
Gregory Ng Speaks at Triangle AMA

Gregory Ng Speaks at Triangle AMA

  1. Unicorns
  2. 3 First Steps to Start Testing
  3. 10 Things you can do this year

Average conversion rate for ecommerce websites is 2.2%

Companies spend 88 times more money on customer acquisition than on optimization.

There is a point of diminishing return on paid search spend. Editorial note (optimize PPC pages like SEO!)

There are three first steps to take:

  1. You must believe in data.
  2. You must learn. and commit to learning more and more about your customer.
  3. Stay on target. Know what your KPI is, and track it. Don’t be distracted by other metrics.

Ten ideas to use in 2012:

  1. Don’t treat everyone like it’s their first visit.
  2. Create ways for visitors to self-select. Tabbed interface (like omniture) show them where people want to go.
  3. Use geo-targeting to deliver relevant messages.
  4. Speak their language.
  5. Use online behavior to trigger marketing messages. Used example of pinging you via email after you put something in your cart and don’t buy.
  6. Use the weather. Target deals and offers based on weather in the location you’re geo targeting. Land’s End, ACE Hardware, Qdoba as examples.
  7. Use dayparting in Paid Search.
  8. Don’t assume that what works for others works for you. Test, test, test.
  9. Consider the device… and your data. Uses mobile as example. Very high bounce rate on main site for mobile users. They developed a streamlined mobile site and proved that it was better – 22% decrease in bounce rate.
  10. Use “relevant messaging” to meet goals.

5 T’s of Testing:

  • Team
  • Trust
  • Technology
  • Traffic
  • Time

Excellent presentation, lots of great takeaways!