Random Musings

I have lots of hobbies and passions outside of search. Rather than maintain a separate blog for these, I share those thoughts here.

I believe in being authentic, and not separating my work/personal thoughts is part of that.

Help, I’ve Been Hacked!

I got hacked. You may have noticed that my blog was offline for a few hours recently. The hackers won. I was unable to remove all traces of their activity, and ended up reinstalling my site from a clean WordPress install and a backup (thank goodness I had one!). But...

Bill Nye Isn’t Dead, But Search Quality Is

Did you hear about the video that Bill Nye the Science Guy just made? It apparently urged parents not to teach their children about Creationism. But I don’t know for sure, because all I can find is the news coverage about it, not the original video. Ok, I found it...

Confessions from a Former Agency Exec

Sunday is more than just Easter for me; it’s the anniversary of my own re-birth. A year ago Sunday is when I left the agency world. After nearly 10 years of working for agencies, I decided to strike out on my own. And now my world will never be the same. The concept...